WE, The Holy Trinity Preservation Group, feel we should respond to the article in the Oxford Mail of September 9.

The East Area Planning Committee gave a very sympathetic reception to our objections to the proposed building of an extension to Holy Trinity Church Headingon Quarry.

They were, however, obliged to pass the plans as the issue of building over graves was not seen as one for that planning committee but rather for that of the diocese.

In proposing the acceptance of the plans, certain members of the committee expressed the view that they did not see the extension being built. The committee also said that it would expect the diocese to furnish it with details of the sewage disposal provisions as we pointed out that a sewer would run through ground we have good reason to believe contains unmarked graves.

We also heard a member of the committee comment that of course there was no question of concreting over bodies, it was more one of moving them. This is a misconception.

The vicar and curate have both made it crystal clear that they have no intention of applying for an exhumation order from the Home Office and the bodies will remain in situ.

Certainly there was an unfortunate fracas when the committee announced the passing of the plans and intemperate language was used. However context is vital.

The relatives of those buried in the graves that will be affected by the building of the extension have lived with this threat since 2011.

They heard only that the plans had been passed and naturally expressed their pent-up emotion against those who had so insensitively put them forward.

This group intends to continue to defend its heritage.

Jenifer Carpenter

On behalf of The Holy Trinity Preservation Group