In addition to two major incidents of fire at the M40 services at Cherwell Valley and the more recent blaze at Carluccio’s at Bicester Village on April 1, Friday’s city centre fire at the Randolph Hotel very finely demonstrated the importance of not only having at hand up-to-date, state-of-the-art equipment to tackle such incidents, but to have that equipment in the hands of highly trained experts – our firefighters.

I for one hope that, when the powers that be at Oxfordshire County Council are sitting around their round table chewing over where available money should (not could) be spent, that our excellent Oxfordshire Fire and Rescue Service and its staff are accounted for well in front of pointless and money-wasting projects such as the farce that is The Plain roundabout work.

Citizens had an opportunity to witness close at hand the hazardous jobs the firefighters take on, with great calm and professionalism, for and on our behalf.

I didn’t see many local politicians or councillors – who’re quick to make cuts from such a service – rushing up the ladders to help.

Ladies and gentlemen of the Fire and Rescue Service, this household (and I’m certain thousands of others across the city and Oxfordshire) salute and thank you.

David Walter Close
Cutteslowe, Oxford