ALL the letters printed recently about the No. 8 bus brings back lots of memories.

Having lived in Old Marston all my life and a good many years of that in the village, I will remember the No8 bus.

Back in the 50s, when for a time I lived in the Carter Estate and when I started school, in what is now the Church Hall, we used to get the bus at Beechey Avenue and go to school for one old penny.

Sometimes there was a driver called Charlie who used to give the bumps.

Today’s letters

As we turned into Elsfield Road where the terminus was, we all used to shout out “give us the bumps, Charlie”. He used to make the bus jerk by clapping the brakes, thus the bumps.

It wouldn’t be allowed today but to us kids it was great fun.

It cost one old penny from the church to Beechey Avenue, tuppence to St Clement’s and thruppence to town.

There was also a single decker bus once in a while that used to come through the village and then go on to Elsfield Road and Beckley.

Oh the good old days, gone forever but never forgotten.


Lewell Avenue

Old Marston
