I AM writing to say how disappointed I am with the NHS’ decision not to retain the ancillary staff at the Chipping Norton Intermediate Care facility. Although I applaud that nursing and administration staff are being kept on a NHS contract under the remit that clinical control is being retained by the NHS; how is that the case when the NHS is not in charge of cleanliness or dietary requirements?

The NHS’ lack of concern over these key factors in patient care is highlighted; how is administration more prevalent than basic requirements needed for patient care? How can they make this decision at a time of revelations that the John Radcliffe has failed recent inspections for cleanliness and infection control?

Despite campaigns to highlight the need for cleanliness and dietary improvements in the NHS, many backed by celebrities, it seems that it is still an underrated and unappreciated part of the care plan and nothing has changed.

Hilary Biles, the local Chipping Norton councillor, at a recent meeting with NHS employees is quoted as saying to one of the staff relinquished by the NHS that she had forgotten all about the ancillary staff.

That seems to be the trend, with 90 years of experience between these forgotten six, it seems shameful that the specialist knowledge and training invested into these NHS employees has not been appreciated. They are tossed aside like a dirty rag without any regard for the service they have provided.

LYNN YOUNGSON, Rowell Way, Chipping Norton

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