MORE recycling banks are to open in north Oxfordshire after 10 were added to Banbury, Bicester and surrounding villages.

The Cherwell District Council facilities take items including glass and recyclable containers.

The council now has 88 banks and hopes to increase these to 95 by April.

Areas being looked at include Begbroke, Kirtlington, Islip, Bloxham, Yarnton and Deddington.

The new banks in Banbury are at: Chandos Close; Broome Way; Causeway, Londis; Southam Road and The Musketeer in Ruscote Avenue.

In Bicester, the facilities are at the Star Inn, Bucknell Road and McColls at Villiers Road.

They have also been installed in lay-bys in Bicester Road, Caversfield; the B430 in Middleton Stoney and the Bodicote to Adderbury Road in Twyford.

Cherwell lead member for clean and green Nigel Morris said: “We already have a very successful kerbside recycling operation in the district but we can’t collect everything from homes. We’re hoping that if we make it easier for people to reach a recycling bank they will be more inclined to use it.”

Suggestions and questions are welcomed through or 01295 227003.