CHANGES to Cherwell District Council's executive are being made following the announcement that Hook Norton councillor Ray Gasson is to retire.

Mr Gasson, the executive member for resources, will stand down before next year's local elections.

His portfolio, one of the council's most important jobs - dealing with financial matters including the annual budget and council tax - will go to James Macnamara, currently the executive member for organisational development.

Michael Gibbard will take on the organisational development role, and will resign from the environment select committee and the overview and scrutiny co-ordinating group.

Leader of the council Barry Wood announced the changes to the executive, which will take effect from December 1.

Mr Wood said: "Mr Gasson will not contest the May elections next year and making the changes now will enable a structured takeover to be implemented.

"I am sorry to lose Mr Gasson from the front bench because I have relied on his judgement, especially in terms of the council tax. He will be a hard act to follow, but I am confident that Mr Macnamara is up to the challenge.

"I am also pleased to have been able to appoint such a capable replacement as Mr Gibbard to the organisational development vacancy."

Mr Gasson said: "I've been a councillor for 12 years and have enjoyed representing the village. I made the decision to stand down some time ago and it is sensible for a new portfolio holder to take over now to prepare next year's budget.

"It would not be right for me to prepare the budget, and for someone else to present it.

"We have been a successful council, have made wise investments, and there is a solid financial base for the future."