Autotype UTV League

Division 3A leaders Donnington maintained their super start to the season winning 3-1 at home to rivals Iffley Harriers.

Ian Smith cracked a double and Craig Gilboy added another, while Jack Barrett hit Harriers’ consolation.

Mason Arms keep the pressure on the leaders as they overwhelmed Railway Wheatley 6-0, Jamie McCualy hitting a hat trick.

Stuart Parsons (2) and Paul Hedger also struck.

Shaun Masterson whacked four of Bicesterlona’s goals in a 9-4 defeat of Northway.

Adam Brayfield and Dean Smith scored doubles, while Darren White completed the Bicesterlona tally.

Nick Albin, Billy Young, Daz Kianzad and James McKendry replied.

Cross Keys Wallingford now lead Division 3B after a 6-3 win at Red Lion Brightwell.

Phil Hedges hit a four-timer and Jim Oliver two for Keys, while Brightwell’s scorers were Scott Gray, Ben Cordery and Richard Gross.

Danny McArdle and Luke McIntosh scored twice as Punchbowl Pirates won 7-1 at Berinsfield Rebels.

Matthew Tutty and Jamie Gaff were among Pirates’ otehr scorers, Robert Lee replying.

Ben Podd and Rob Lucibello netted as Abingdon Exiles won 2-1 at Bowyers Arms.

Long Wittenham gained revenge for their Devenney Cup defeat against Hampstead Norreys, with a 6-1 home victory.

Chris Freeman, Andy Rumley, Ollie Saunders, Phil Lynch, Tom Hedges and Colin Goodall scored their goals, while Nick Hobbs Junior bagged Hampstead’s consolation.

THIS week’s reports should be phoned to Doug Williamson on 01367 710684.