OXFORD Stadium are taking the lead in the drive to avoid greyhounds testing positive for banned substances.

Management’s first step is to exclude all food and drink except water from the paddock area to reduce the chances of hounds inadvertantly falling foul of new stringent testing.

Racing manager Gary Baiden said: “Even the minutest trace of caffeine from tea or coffee or foodstuffs can be troublesome, so we are banning all drinks and food except water from the paddock area.”

Oxford are doing all they can to avoid positive tests, which will mean the end of certain traditions.

Owners, some of whom like to feed their hound a cheeky sausage after a race, have been made aware that their trainers face a hefty fine if the food contains any banned susbstance.

What's more, the slightest trace of a fizzy drink or chocolate, can lead to the possibility of a positive sample.

To this end, no children or unlicensed personnel will be allowed through the paddock gates.