STEVE Greenough has joined an exclusive club after achieving the sport’s ultimate goal – an 18-doll maximum.

He became only the 15th player in theOxford & District League’s 74-year history to pull off the feat.

It capped a memorable day for the 51-year-old, who also became a grandfather for the first time.

Greenough, from Greater Leys, bagged his 18 for Garsington Sports A in their Premier & Section clash win over Ampleforth Arms.

“It was surreal,” he said. “It wasn’t until I got sticks 13, 14 and 15 that I thought I was on to something.

“I am not one of the big guns, but now I’ve got my name among all the greats.”

But he admitted he had struggled to focus on his throwing.

Greenough had spent the day worrying about his son Craig, whose girlfriend Lucy Townsend was due to give birth prematurely at the Royal Berkshire Hospital in Reading.

“All through the day my mind was on those two and the little one,” he said. “My mind wasn’t really on the game.

“I just did what I have done for the last 30-odd years.

“I concentrated and got all six. The next six came along and my mind was still elsewhere.

“I came up for my third throw and they clanged off again. If anything my last one was the best of the lot.”

Greenough threw his last stick as the doll was being put back onto the iron.

“He just got it out of the way in time,” said Greenough.

“The week before, I only got four, which was one of my lowest ever scores.

“It was a brilliant day.”

He added: “The most I have ever hit before was 15. I have done that three or four times.

“After that I had a call from my son saying the baby was born at 7.46pm.”

To add to the poignancy, baby George was born on the birthday of Greenough’s late father-in-law Basil Cooper.

Greenough said: “I had my phone on vibrate as you can’t make any noise.

“I didn’t even know how we got on until I had put the phone down. I asked the skipper and he told me we had won 2-1.”

George is expected to remain in the Royal Berkshire Hospital’s special care baby unit for a few weeks.

But Greenough already has plans for him and his father Craig, who plays for the Original Swan in Section 4.

“They will have to follow in my footsteps and get an 18 as well!” he said.


D Sellar (Crown Chalgrove) 1966; R Clarke (Red White & Blue) 1972; M Greenaway (twice) (7 Stars /Littlemore BL)*; L Woods (Shelley Arms)*; M Beane (Fishes)*; K Summerton (Littlemore BL)*; J Clinkard (The Plough Garsington)*; R Cox (Cricketers) 1993; K Baker (Cricketers) 1996; K Giles (twice) (The George) 2000 & 2009; J Cross (Cricketers) 2002; D Butler (The George) 2002; P Adams (twice) (Cricketers) 2003 & 2004; D Sawyer (The George) 2005; S Greenough (Garsington Sports Club) 2013.
* Unknown year