Andy Whing had good reason to be cheerful following Oxford United’s draw on Saturday.

Taking on Birmingham City had an extra edge for the midfielder, who is a passionate fan of their rivals, Aston Villa.

The 28-year-old was born in the city and still lives in the West Midlands.

Whing knew fans in the away end at the Kassam Stadium and although for most of the afternoon his focus was purely on the game, it was hard to forget the rivalry completely.

He said: “When you’re in the game you don’t think about it, apart from the second half when they started singing about the Villa.

“There were a few of my dad’s mates in the City end as well and I tried to cop eyes with them a few times.

“Overall it was a good day and I can show my face around Birmingham now because they didn’t beat us, so I’m happy about that.”