Doubtless, most people will find the demonstrators’ actions perplexing. A hundred students, protesting against the Government’s plans to raise tuition fees, storming Oxford University’s historic Radcliffe Camera, only to tussle with security guards and dance on tables...

But in truth, was this any great surprise? No.

What was, however, was just how this protest was policed, as uniformed officers stood by and made no attempt to stop the protestors from gaining access to the Grade I listed building.

Defending the decision, Insp Omar Abu-Rish said at the scene: “Our primary role is to facilitate peaceful protests.

“If people are climbing over metal railings, the last thing we want to do is start taking hold of them so they may fall and cause injury.

“This is civil trespass. What we will not accept is any criminal damage or violence.”


One can only wonder what the university and staff at the Radcliffe Camera, who must have been alarmed and frightened, think about that.

And you have to ask, at what point would be the police be prepared to get involved?