POLICE in Witney are inviting residents to post concerns and feedback through a special new Tardis-style box.

The 3ft blue box, modelled on the old police phone boxes made famous by BBC One drama Doctor Who, will be placed in busy areas including supermarkets and colleges as a new way of communicating with the public.

Witney PCSO Hilary Rabson said: “It will go anywhere where there’s a high footfall of people.

“The idea is that people can make contact with their neighbourhood team and if they have any concerns in their area we will get back to them and try to sort it out.

“We also want people to pass on intelligence, like if they see a lot of comings and goings in a certain address.

“It’s another way of people being able to contact the neighbourhood team.”

PCSO Rabson operates the Witney TVP Twitter account – @TVP_Witney – and will use it to tell residents where the box will be located.

Residents will be able to post anonymously and the box will be secure.

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