In his column in Sunday's Observer (a paper stolen, I would like to add, from the bins of the Kasbah - I figure I fork over sufficient cash in the form of a poll tax to the leftists at the BBC under threat of prosecution without voluntarily giving any money to the Trotsykites at the Guardian), Will "I'm Always Right" Hutton, wrote, 'When the euro was launched ten years ago, an unnamed euro-sceptic currency trader - now almost certainly redundant [petty, snide conceited little jibe, don't you think?] - famously called it a toilet currency. Last week it climbed to an all-time high against the pound', and advocated joining the euro as a solution to our economic woes.

Well, I guess the value of one's currency reflects the value of a country, rather like a share in a company, and one might have thought that the pound had plunged due to ten years of a Labour government following exactly the sort of economic policies advocated by Hutton. Twerp.

Still, Will is a very valuable political figure, rather like Paddy 'Pantsdown' Ashdown used to be. If you're unsure of your opinion on a topic, find out what they think, and then believe the opposite. A sure-fire way of finding the truth about a subject.