THIS is my answer to the letter (Oxford Mail, April 24) by Layla Moran, and my answer to all those who are not getting their facts right about the voting system involved in the Brexit vote.

She says MPs should represent the values of constituents.

Does she mean those who followed her voting choice, but not those who had the affront to dare have a different view to hers?

The vote for leaving or staying in the EU was not a constituency vote, as for a councillor or MP.

It was for one ‘Unit’, not for separate entities, and the outcome was that the amount of votes counted for Leave outnumbered the Remains democratically.

So overall Oxford West and Abingdon voters won the right to leave, and voted accordingly. Nicola Blackwood and Theresa May did not vote against foreign citizens working here, the opposite was agreed.

They are welcome to work here, and the same must be given to our people working in the EU.

Remember it was Parliament who decided to give the people the vote to decide the outcome of the Leave or Remain campaign.

We the people did not ask for it, but we were told that voters with most votes on the side they voted for, their decision would be honoured by Parliament.

I would just like to say to you, if you want to be European, move over there, and I would suggest in your letters or talks you could use the words English or British more, and I would suggest instead of a pro-EU candidate, we should have more proEnglish MPs in our Government.

BILL GOODWIN Pebble Hill, Radley