THE downgrading of the Horton Hospital’s maternity unit to a midwife-led centre seems from past events to have been Oxford University Hospitals Trust’s aim for many years.

The latest supposedly temporary change to a midwifery care only service with the emergency backup of an ambulance and paramedic on site is hardly the safest option for many obstetric emergencies.

Paramedics are marvellous but they are not experts in obstetric emergencies. If the midwives cannot manage the situation it will require the skills of obstetric and anaesthetic doctors.

May I suggest the Oxford University Hospitals Trust look at the possibility of developing a modern obstetric flying squad using a helicopter to take the obstetric team to the scene of the emergency to treat and stabilise the woman prior to transfer if necessary, just as they do these days for major accident cases.

Another point I would like to raise is Banbury consultant-led maternity unit may be one of the smallest in the country at the present time, but with all the new housing estates in both the Banbury and Bicester areas, it will not be for long.


Retired Midwife and Nurse