SOMETIMES our local authorities can only do so much. Oxfordshire County Council is genuinely working hard to plug the gap in children’s homes provision.

It has committed to building two homes to ensure those in care can reside in the county and not be moved away.

But more than 100 more children will still have be pulled from their roots due to the chronic shortage of foster parents.

The onus here is on us as adults to think about whether we can sign up and help give children a better future.

For some it might seem a daunting task but the county council is trying to make it as easy as possible for anyone interested to sign up.

It has offered extra holiday time to its own employees and is looking to increase the amount paid if you recommend someone to be a carer who is then accepted.

Businesses in the city need to follow suit and be more flexible to staff that want to foster.

To combat the crisis, everyone needs to work together so the process is as simple as can be, with support at every stage.

The result will be a rewarding experience for foster carers and a brighter future for hundreds of our county’s children.