THE resounding rejection of planning permission for the West Way development is a real demonstration of people power.

Despite two alterations to the proposals by developers Doric Properties and Mace, their £100m development still prompted more than 1,200 letters of objections.

And it appears those voices were heard as the Vale’s planning committee went against officers’ recommendations and unanimously voted against granting planning permission.

Campaigners will rejoice in their victory, but will be savvy enough to realise that their fight is not over, with the possibility of an appeal or another revised plan.

While the developers are likely to feel frustrated, the meeting showed the value of true democracy.

Should the plans return to the table again, one hopes they will be far more sympathetic to residents’ concerns.

Few disagree that the current dull grey concrete mass is a drab and dreary collection of buildings that does nothing to boost West Oxford.

Something is needed to breathe new life into the area.

But there needs to be a fine balance between redevelopment and ripping the heart out of Botley.

It will be the residents who sit in the cafes, work out at the gym and shop at the supermarket.

The developers must ensure it gets residents on board should they continue to try to develop the land.