WHAT I’M CALLED: Bob – Robert (by my wife) – Dad – Grampy.

MY AGE: 59.

WHAT I DO: I work for Unipart Automotive Logistics as a vendor account manager, dealing with suppliers from all over the world, making sure parts are delivered to our packers on time and dealing with more specific commercial problems as they arise. I have retired as an Oxford city councillor after serving the Lye Valley area of Oxford and holding a seat on the council’s executive. I have rejoined the committee of Horspath Road Area Residents and Tenants Association as the secretary. I was the chairman of the association before becoming a councillor.


WHO I LOVE: All of my family, as it is good now to be able to spend much more social time with my wife Georgina and all three of our grandchildren.

HAPPIEST YEAR: I love every year, because you never know what life will bring you, so enjoy and be glad to be here and take the opportunities that life offers you. They say that life starts at 40. I have not noticed, as every year is busy.

DARKEST MOMENT: Losing my parents to cancer and knowing that smoking did the damage. It is unbelievable that people still do not realise that smoking is not glamorous, and it will get you in the end.

PROUDEST BOAST: I may exaggerate, but I do not boast.

WORST WEAKNESS: Loving a pint of beer, knowing that my waistline is still growing, although I work out in the gym most days.

LESSONS LEARNED: You only get satisfaction out of life by helping others.

DULLEST JOB: Never had one. Even housework is interesting as team work gets the job done faster.

GREATEST SHAME: I always wanted to be a rock drummer but my parents would not get me a kit. My son Mark can play and has a band, so he has made up for my loss.

LIFELONG HERO: My wife Georgina, as she has put with me for 36 years and she knows that I cannot sit still and I will chat to anyone, which holds her up while out shopping.

OLDEST FRIEND: Ian Miles. We have been friends for more than 50 years and still have a beer and a good laugh together.

WIDEST SMILE: Seeing our three sons being born and two of them getting married and having grandchildren. Also the true story of me delivering a chinchilla to Coventry, when it ran riot in the car on the M40.

FAVOURITE DREAM: Winning enough money to get the family financially stable and to help others like Oxford Children’s Hospital and cancer care.

BIGGEST REGRET: Not ever managing to hit six Aunt Sally sticks off in one go.