After last week’s article explaining how important vitamin D is for our mental and physical health I wanted to let you in on the sources I would recommend.

Sunshine is absolutely number one. That is vitamin D in its most natural form – and it’s what we need to be the healthiest version of ourselves.

Sadly in England there just isn’t enough sun. Recently we’ve had horrendous weather. But, as I’m writing this article, the weather is beautiful, the sun is shining, and I’ve spent as much time outdoors as possible. Everyone I’ve seen was in a positive state of mind. Why? It’s simple: the sun has a huge effect.

Here are the best ways to increase your vitamin D levels: 1) Natural sunlight is the best. No matter how cold it is, if the sun is shining you need to expose yourself to it. Obviously, it is important you do this safely. In the summer or when you’re abroad you need to avoid the sun between noon and 3pm as this is when the sun is at its hottest. Sunburn damages your skin, so be sensible about the length of time you stay in the sun at any one time.

2) Food sources: n Oily fish such as salmon, sardines, pilchards, trout, kippers and eel contain reasonable amounts of vitamin D; n Cod liver oil (don’t take this if you are pregnant) n Eggs, meat and milk contain small amounts but this varies during the seasons 3) Vitamin D3 supplements: Even when you eat the foods containing vitamin D it is still very difficult to get the amount our bodies require, so taking a supplement will help this.

4) A UVB Tanning Bed A UVB tanning bed is different to the sunbed you are likely to find in a regular tanning shop. This is because of the ratio of UVA to UVB Rays. UVA Rays are more harmful and damaging to the skin.

You can purchase UVB tanning beds to have at home (quite expensive though.) If using a UVB sunbed, you need only two to three minutes at a time, two to three times a week to have a marked increase in your vitamin D levels.

So, remember: if the sun is shining get out there!

Vitamin D is important for a healthy mind and body.