Are you ready to expose your body on the beach? Well, there’s no need to panic, because I’m here to help. If you follow my advice here on nutrition and exercise you can make a huge difference to how you look.

NUTRITION I do not advise crash diets but if you’ve got only a week or two to go before packing your suitcase here’s how you can look and feel better by DROPPING inches, LOSING pounds, and TIGHTENING up your figure. 1Cut out wheat, dairy, sugary carbohydrates, alcohol, coffee and tea. It takes 14 days to completely cleanse your body and clear cells of toxins.

2Focus on eating three meals a day that contain good quality protein and plenty of green vegetables. Locally sourced meat/fish and organic vegetables are ideal – and also help local businesses. 3Stop grazing during the day. This will help to stabilize your blood sugar level and therefore hormones. There is NO research that suggests that grazing affects metabolic rate.

4Drink a minimum of two litres of bottled water per day. It water will help flush out toxins and help the liver detoxify.

5Sleep a full eight hours a night. Sleep is overlooked when it comes to fatloss but it is such an important factor. Ideally be in bed by 10.30pm. EXERCISE One of best ways to burn fat and improve fitness levels is by doing high intensity interval training (HIIT) workout. You can do a bodyweight workout for just 10 minutes a day and you will gain incredible fat loss and fitness results in a short space of time. I will be writing in more detail about the benefits of HIIT Training in the next couple of weeks but if you are looking to get started now then follow this link to my youtube channel and try out this workout, suitable for all levels: Oh, and be confident... Walk with your head held high, shoulders back, a smile on your face and you will automatically look slimmer and more confident – even if you have to fake it! Eventually you will convince yourself, and others, that you are proud of your body and appearance.