By Dr Sheikh Hojjat Ramzy, director of the Oxford Islamic Information Centre

MARRIAGE between homosexual couples is one of the important current issues promoting discussion around the world, and much debate has ensued with regards to whether it is right or wrong.

Islam, like many other faiths is against marriage between homosexual couples, holding that the only legitimate form of marriage and wedlock accepted and carried out in places of worship is between heterosexual couples, ie. the marriage of a man to a woman.

Muslims believe the marriage of same sex couples is unnatural and unholy. The Quran and the Sunnah (the sayings and example of the Prophet) reject in no uncertain terms the marriage of a couple of the same sex.

In my opinion, as an Imam and a practising believing Muslim, there is no basis in Islam that can be used to accept or facilitate this kind of marriage.

Islam, however, does not discourage homosexuals from becoming Muslims if they wish. They can join the congregation, go to the mosques, pray and be friends with other Muslims. There is nothing in Islam that says they should be shunned or ostracised.

In Islam having homosexual tendencies is not a great sin. The great sin is not to believe in the existence of Almighty God. Many verses of Quran clearly state that “God will not forgive the one who not believe in Him, but

He will forgive anyone He pleases after that” (Quran 4:116). As a Muslim missionary myself, I have witnessed many brothers and sisters who are gays and lesbians living happily, and communicating with other Muslims, going to the mosque and performing their Islamic duties without any difficulty.

I have spoken to many gay groups and individuals who held the opinion that Islam hates and is against them. I assure them that this is not the case, they are still welcomed into the community and I encourage them to develop their faith and relationship with Almighty God whilst staying within the bounds of this religion which promotes spiritual development and community, despite its misrepresentation.