HIS cabinet colleague the Prime Minister may have danced “Gangnam Style” with Boris, but Wantage MP Ed Vaizey has no intention of taking a leaf out of South Korea’s book.

The communications minister said he believed South Korea could teach the UK “nothing” about super-fast broadband, despite being a nation famed for its speedy connections.

He made the comments at the Huawei Broadband Forum.

Let’s hope, for Mr Vaizey’s sake, his plan for superfast broadband across the UK is a total success, otherwise he’ll wish he listened to his South Korean colleagues.

THE complexities of public life are no secret to county council leader Ian Hudspeth. The top Tory councillor used a tweet to demonstrate he’s an important man, but one with a normal life on the side.

He tweeted: “One day I’m with @DanHannanMEP the next I’m living the dream in Asda (stocking up on Fruit Pastilles)”

It’s good to know Mr Hudspeth can strike a balance between meetings with high-profile Euro MPs and a sweet run at the local shop.

Meanwhile, a member of Mr Hudspeth’s cabinet was also demonstrating his sweet tooth, in a very different way.

Arash Fatemian, cabinet member for adult services, was snapped at Wembley stadium having a sweet time with two larger-than-life M&Ms.

It’s reassuring to see the top team at county hall promoting healthy eating as they prepare to take on responsibility for public health across Oxfordshire.

The Insider wonders whether this image, Tweeted by councillor Hudspeth of him and Henley MP John Howell, might worry staff at county hall.

Let’s hope Mr Hudspeth doesn’t decide council papers should be printed the same size as his “favourite book”.