ANIMAL lovers have been urged to vote for local charities to be given a share of £500,000 Pets at Home fund.

The national pet store chain has made the funds available on the anniversary of its VIP Club scheme which allows pet owners to donate to charity.

Pets at Home Oxford's store encouraged the county's animal lovers to vote for Sunshine Cat Rescue - based in Milton-under-Wychwood - by May 31.

The charity rescues and cares for cats, which can then be sponsored or adopted by members of the public.

Pets at Home Oxford store manager, Debbie Harris, said: "We are so proud that our customers are able to use their purchasing power to support the great work these animal charities do up and down the country, as well as locally via the fantastic Sunshine Cat Rescue.

"We would love for our local cause to be among the winners that secure a share of the £500,000 that’s up for grabs and encourage our customers and Oxford animal lovers alike to vote to support their favourite charities."

One local cause in each store's region could win up to £7,500 and Sunshine Cat Rescue has also urged its supporters to vote to make sure it is one of the winners.

A national charity will also win £52,500 and a selection of charities can be voted for online.

The VIP Club works using a 'points card' system, where pet owners' points are converted to donations by Pets at Home and the money has been donated by six million pet owners.

To vote for your favourite charity go to