WOMEN and girls in Oxford have less than two weeks to sign up to this year's Race for Life at Oxford University Parks.

The deadline for sign ups is fast approaching for the Oxford 5k and 10k races with entry closing on Friday, July 8.

Currently 1,989 have signed up to the 5k event with 546 women and girls signing up to the 10k race.

But organisers say they are still off their target as they hoped to get 3,200 sign-ups in total for this year's events.

Kelly Rumble, event manager for Race for Life in Oxford, said: "We are absolutely thrilled that women have entered but we still need more ladies so we are urging anyone who has been thinking about it to commit and enter today."

Last year 3,465 women took part in the event, raising £209,000.

Ms Rumble added: "Taking part in Race for Life, alongside thousands of like minded women, is incredibly motivating.

"Many will be remembering loved ones lost to cancer or celebrating the lives of people dear to them who have survived."

Race for Life will be on Sunday, July 10 at Oxford University Parks.

To sign up visit: raceforlife.org or contact: 0300 123 0770.