SUSAN Thomas in her letter (ViewPoints, October 4) reveals the true face of Green power fanatics.

She says: “We must not allow the widespread burning of coal or wood in fireplaces to occur if there are interim power cuts due to carbon-fired power stations closing down”.

Young and old can freeze to death, patients in hospitals can die in the operating theatre due to lack of power as far as she is concerned.

Her logic is chilling. She need not worry about excess coal being used as the Chinese will buy up any surplus to burn in their power stations.

They build three new coal-fired stations each week in China.

This scenario would be funny if it were not to have such tragic results.

P.S. I realise hospitals have emergency generators but I am sure they could not be used on a permanent basis.

Anyway, under Susan Thomas’s edict the use of these generators would be limited.

GLYN LIMMER Roosevelt Road Long Hanborough