THE head of creative learning at Oxford’s Pegasus Theatre is the latest to lend her support for the Oxfordshire Reading Campaign.

Yasmin Sidhwa, a mum of three who lives in Cowley, has been involved in putting on a host of productions at the theatre in Magdalen Road.

She is also involved in many of the youth theatre aspects of the organisation.

She said: “I support the initiative to get children reading because a whole world of imagination, adventure and insight is opened up to them once they can read.”

What was your favourite book when you were small and why did you love it?

The Lion, the Witch and the Wardrobe inspired me because it was the possibility of being able to discover a new world, with amazing creatures, of children being seen as important and being able to help save the creatures of Narnia.

Tell me about the books your children enjoy reading?

My children love a range of books (as they are different aged teenagers) – from Jacqueline Wilson’s books to Philip Pullman's His Dark Materials to Suzanne Collins The Hunger Games – I think because these books either take them into other worlds where young people undertake dangerous adventures, or with Jacqueline Wilson exploring the lives of young people similar to them but whose backgrounds and lifestyles are different and new.

Why do you believe it is important for children to read?

I think it is important for children to be able to read because it opens up new worlds, develops their ability to imagine, to learn about other people and gives them access to knowledge that they discover for themselves.