Sir – You “applaud” St John’s College for announcing that it is waiting for consensus between the city and county authorities before it “moves forward” with the Northern Gateway scheme (Leader, September 27).

You say that the problem is that Ian Hudspeth, leader of the county council, is ‘concerned’ about the traffic.

Is the passing of two years supposed by you to have given the people of Oxford amnesia? The inspector’s report of 2010 into the Oxford core strategy development plan (try reading it yourself at CoreStrategyFinalInspectorsReport.pdf ) insists that “Securing measures to mitigate impact on the road network is a necessary pre-condition to the building of the Northern Gateway business park going ahead . . .”

Do you, or the city council, really think, you can kid us that the landowners, including St John’s, are delaying starting the highly profitable Northern Gateway scheme out of philanthropy, or that the developer dropped out for nothing?

Perhaps no one has come up with a way to solve the traffic problem in the last two years because there is no way.

And Bob Price — if you think you can build the scheme ‘on the ground’ first and then see what the effects on our roads will be — you will be directly contradicting, and disobeying, the Government inspector’s report.

Lorna Logan, Wolvercote