I TOTALLY agree with MP Andrew Smith’s objections to the scrapping of planning permission for domestic extensions.

It already seems there are no planning regulations on Rose Hill, where there are full-size houses being built in back gardens and extensions much bigger than the original buildings.

These all appear to be houses of multi-occupancy, where the idea is to cram as many people as possible into the buildings for the sole purpose of making money. The houses always look unkempt, with bins and old cars in what's left of the gardens.

I have lived in Rose Hill for nearly my whole life and raised my family here when it was quite a pleasant place to live.

Now it is like a concrete jungle, full of strangers.

Rose Hill already has more houses than before, but now it feels there is a ‘free for all’ where building is concerned.

Every patch of land is being built on and concreted over, hardly a tree or plant in sight.

GINA SPILLANE, Nowell Road, Rose Hill