ALL this discussion about young children learning to read has me delving into my memory box.

My mother was an avid reader, in spite of leaving school aged 12 to go ‘into service’. She often said that when you can read the cornflake box you are well on the way to being a good reader.

Some children today don’t even sit at the table to eat, let alone read. Turn off the TV and use that as a reward when all the chores are done.

I agree with S. Nicholson (Viewpoints, August 26), repetition is the key to children reading. They all love the scary bits as well as the sad or happy bits.

They love it when the reader uses a different tone of voice, and will soon learn to do the same themselves.

Although one could say that repetition means children are memorising the story, this is the basis of learning and is used for every other subject they will use during their school days and beyond. The most important thing is to make reading enjoyable so that children will look forward to reading.

Lovely pictures every day – keep them coming!


Corunna Crescent
