Sir – While I am happy to congratulate The Oxford Times for deservedly continuing to flourish for 150 years, I am dismayed at the unheralded 53 per cent increase in the price.

Even the ‘special offer’ on page 36 conceals a 24 per cent price increase. Surely your readers deserve the courtesy of an explanation for such a swingeing increase.

You even went to the expense of commissioning focus groups, but apparently didn’t invite respondents to comment on the price. The net results are some cosmetic design changes — although admittedly these are pleasing, a few new contributors and many more pages largely filled with revenue-generating advertising.

As a life-long resident of Oxfordshire and reader of your paper, I fear that I may have to forego the weekly masochistic pleasure of reading the opinionated drivel of Christopher Gray (the man who denigrates Downton Abbey and in the same breath admits that he has never watched it).

Anthony Hall, Bampton