IN RESPONSE to Mrs P Taylor (ViewPoints, September 6), I am so glad that she finds my letters irritating and I hope the people I moan about find them irritating too. Isn’t this why the Oxford Mail has such view points on its pages?

Perhaps Mrs Taylor would like me to say how pleased I was at the four days it took the police to respond to a theft from my property, or how lovely the weeds look growing in the gutters opposite my home.

And let’s not forget the Oxford City Council planners who seem to be a law unto themselves.

I am absolutely delighted at them building these totally out of character from the rest of the street (Barton West you’re next).

As for getting a life I have a very pleasant one, but it could be more so if people around me did their jobs right.

Yes I do moan, but please bear in mind I am not alone.

Your very letter is a moan, a moan about my letters being irritating, so welcome to the club!

As for me saying something nice in a letter – I thought St Giles’ Fair was excellent this year. To have the sun shining down on so many of our youngsters enjoying themselves brought a smile to my face.

And wait for it Mrs Taylor, here comes a moan so brace yourself – weren’t the rides very expensive though?

Moan, moan, moan!

CHRIS BOSWELL (Mr) Williamson Way Rose Hill Oxford