YET again Glyn Limmer has subjected readers to more of his complete drivel (ViewPoints, September 11) . If Oxford City Council employs 30 community wardens and expands its current areas of control, how does this impact financially on Oxford City Council taxpayers?

The answer is, it doesn’t. Extra powers don’t and almost certainly won’t mean increased salaries, unless of course they are paid your fictional triple paid overtime.

Enlighten us all please Mr Limmer. Just what is a bean counter? Does such a role exist?

Has the bean counter gone the way of the barge walloper’s apprentice, shoving small boys up chimneys?

If not is it considered a trade or a profession? Should those youngsters who have achieved three straight As in their recent A-Levels be encouraged to turn their backs on the halls of academia and pursue a career as a bean counter?

When qualified will they be permitted to count things other than beans, or have they entered a narrow field of expertise?

Can they eventually sit for a doctorate in bean-counting or is it limited to degree level?

I think we need to be told Mr Limmer and your thoroughly bored readers deserve answers.

KEN ROPER Morton Avenue Kidlington