Sir – For the 25 years since my wife and I have lived in Cogges I have kept silent on my views about the proposed Cogges Link to bypass the fearful traffic queues in Bridge Street, Witney, save, that is, to wish fervently that someone would do something.

The opposing forces did not help because they amounted to two small groups with rigid viewpoints, backed by money on both sides, vociferously expressing their own fixed views (to which they were entitled) by means of shouting the loudest, or trying to. Now that the inspector has put an end to this war of words and inactivity, it seems to me that while Shores Green may have some merits, that does not mean that it is the end of the argument.

Throughout the shouting match and a welter of changing data, councillors and officers must have examined other options, which might be some basis for an alternative to Shores Green.

After all, Cogges Link and Shores Green were not necessarily the only solutions. Is there a possible Plan C? Please may alternatives be quickly considered before a final decision is made?

David Bond , Witney