Sir – What a pompous fellow Mr Gray is, complaining about the Grand Prix at Silverstone the Olympics in London and any sport in general (Gray Matter, July 5).

The UK and Oxford in particular are number one in the world of motor sport. It brings billions into the area, and employs thousands of people who pay tax.

The technology works its way down into the cars that even Mr Gray drives. For most it is very exciting and it is great that we do so well in the sport.

His attitude is typical of the ‘anti culture’ of this country. Go to most other countries, everyone comes out to support the events, not moan about their slight inconvenience for a couple of days a year.

The events do use fuel, but, as with most events, it is the spectators who use more than the competitors. The Queen’s Jubilee used more than the GP, I am sure.

Being a critic is easy: anyone can moan and pick fault about plays, restaurants or sport. It takes someone special to get out there and do it, and be the best in the world.

Chris Wigmore, Stratton Audley