OXFORD Food Bank is back in business after a cable thief cut the power to their West Oxford depot last week.

About £700 worth of food kept in a huge fridge at the Lamarash Road warehouse was spoilt when the building’s main electricity supply line was cut into between July 4 and 5.

Much of the wasted food meant for the city’s homeless was stored in a walk-in fridge installed at the charity in April after a £10,000 charity donation from the Oxford Mail’s parent company Gannett.

But yesterday, with the volunteer help of Osney Mead refrigeration firm MGI, the charity reconnected the fridge to an alternate supply on the other side of the warehouse.

Charity co-director Robin Aitken said it was not worth the charity paying to restore the damaged cable.

He said he had been surprised by the generosity of people who had heard about the incident and wanted to help.

One man cycled over to the depot on Saturday to hand over £100 after reading the story in the Oxford Mail.

Mr Aitken said: “It is so gratifying that local companies and individuals want to lend a hand to the food bank.”

Police had yesterday made no arrests.