IS Ian Cummings (Friday’s Oxford Mail ViewPoints), a supporter of the bankers?

He is right when he berates Brown, Balls and Darling for causing economic damage to this country (a policy ably supported by Tories, by the way).

But he’s dead wrong to call them Socialist.

First, real Socialists do not admire, support or worship the capitalist free market, nor do they support illegal, immoral unwinnable wars.

The last time we had a Socialist Government was way back in the 1940s and they nationalised the Bank of England.

These three comedians did the opposite, and there are many other examples too numerous to mention.

Another New Labour non-Socialist, Tony Blair, was a Tory at college and the dark knight Mandelson saw nothing wrong with getting “filthy rich”. Not very Socialist if you ask me.

As for the latest crowd, well believe it or not they’ve borrowed more than the last crew and we’re in a double-dip recession, which economists predicted with their policy of austerity.

Education and health are now being destroyed, even the police and military are being cut.

I’m afraid his comment of “the mess the previous Government left”, is failing to impress people – just watch BBC1’s Question Time for evidence.

What a joke, so I ask Mr Cummings, why no mention of the rather obvious banker reference in his letter? Or how about the person who deregulated the banks in the 1980s? Yes, the Tory Thatcher.

Don’t these deserve a tiny mention – they are both hugely significant in the mess we find ourselves in today.

Or could it be he knows full well the bankers of this world are Tory donors. Regulation, perish the thought.

Mr Cameron will never punish the criminal activity that funds his attack on ordinary working people and I’m delighted for Mr Cummings if he isn’t one of them.

Lucky him. Me, I’ll stay a Socialist without a mainstream party to vote for.

TIM W SIRET Millmoor Crescent Eynsham