A TEAM of pupils from a Headington will be pitting their wits against schools from across the UK to be crowned top of the quiz league.

Four students from St Joseph’s Catholic Primary School in Headley Way, Headington, have made it through a series of competitions to win a place at the final of the National Interschool Quiz Championship.

The team is made up of Finlay Phillips, 10, Tom Mackay, eight, Mark Tuazon, 11, and Matthew Bishop, nine.

Mark said: “Some questions were tricky but we had people on the team who had good knowledge of different topics.

“For example Finlay knew all about the counties in England. Another question was about the solar system and Tom was the expert.

“Matthew was the expert in science and I answered the history questions.

“It was great fun.”

The final takes place at Oxford Town Hall on Thursday.