I READ the column by Katherine Macalister (June 27) with ever-increasing revulsion.

She likens the readers to bits of rotted flesh stored under a rock and herself to a crocodile. Well, she should know about herself… Eventually we get to her hot topic – gay marriage.

I cannot myself see anything absurd about intelligent individuals, whether in churches or parliament, debating it.

Oh! Debate is absurd because she came to her “logical and diplomatic conclusions years ago”. What on earth has diplomacy to do with it? As for logic, it is best applied to facts, not her dubious assertions.

She talks of “old white men” debating. I know that the Church of England’s general synod has members who are female, young and coloured.

The only point I can agree with her is that Christianity is largely, not all, about loving they neighbour. Presumably she agrees with that principle but she does not appear to tolerate Christians who are sexist or homophobic, as some doubtless are. So are other people.

Her most ridiculous sentence comes when she writes: “Before you all write in, please don’t”.

It seems she wants to hear no-one’s views but her own. How pathetic! We won’t see her in church, thank heaven. I’d like to not see her in print either.

M HUGH-JONES, Headley Way, Oxford