Sir – The proposals of Cotuit Hall on Pullens Lane in Headington have provoked much discourse, and by-and-large it seems to be very one-sided and against such a development.

It is interesting to read that the spokesman for the residents of Pullens Lane is Prof Graham Upton. For it was during his time as Vice-Chancellor that Oxford Brookes University underwent a major expansion project, and resulted in much larger accommodation blocks being built than those proposed by EF Academy.

Much to the alarm and dismay of local residents, Prof Upton was also more than happy to see Warneford Meadow developed into a student village to house over a thousand students, again to the detriment of the local inhabitants.

As to ‘Deeply Concerned’ from North Oxford, their comments are no better than scaremongering. Did they actually go to the presentations given by EF to explain the development — I fear not. I did and was impressed by the designs and how they addressed all concerns.

I believe EF Academy should be encouraged to expand and not thwarted, as not only will this bring new employment opportunities to local residents but, as they place non-residential students with host families, can provide a much-needed and wanted additional income to households squeezed during these pressing times.

Something the dwellers in the ivory towers of North Oxford are unaffected by.

Roger Gilboy, Oxford