Sir – The highway authority, explaining the partial closure of the A40/Collinwood junction, reports five serious, three slight injury accidents involving turning movements across the A40. Is the county’s decision, to make this a ‘No Right Turn’, logical? No, it is appalling.

It’s surprising the city council hasn’t been up in arms.

For future ‘New Barton’ residents, the city pretends great concern about segregation. A ‘T-junction’ is planned, other signal-controlled crossings of the A40 and a decent job of the dreadful underpass at Barton Lane.

Yet on the other side of Green Road roundabout, an existing crossing to an existing residential area has been closed. You couldn’t make it up.

The county are apparently being curmudgeonly about the Barton AAP’s desire to reduce the 70mph limit to the city’s preferred 40 but might accept 50. Whereas in early 2010, the county extended the A40 30mph limit to include the Collinwood Road junction.

Rather than campaign to get a bridge (for cars too?) there should be an outcry — to reinstate and to make convenient and safe, the existing T-junction. This follows major reconstruction at the ‘Hamburger’ roundabout, also apparently without a care for Barton residents.

Accident stats should be a spur for the county to enhance the convenient safety of residents and livelihood of businesses, not to ignore them and close the businesses.

Acceptance of closure by the parish perhaps indicates the county’s intransigence. Yet this is a de-trunked road with mostly a local function. Not a highway from Limerick to Minsk (or whatever) but a road arriving into the built-up area of the city, at 30mph.

The county quotes a £150,000 ticket for extra signalling but this is no more than a bullying ‘go away’ figure. The county is evading its responsibility to all road users and residents.

Graham Paul Smith, Grandpont