I READ with interest the report about the (long overdue) memorial to the airmen from Bomber Command who lost their lives during the Second World War (Friday’s Oxford Mail).

I couldn’t believe we had to get “German blessing”.

I understand that many civilians lost their lives because of Allied bombings, that many raids were unnecessary and all that went with it, but the crews were acting under direction from “those who knew better”.

If Germany had a problem with this, they could have asked the people of London, Birmingham, Coventry or any of the other towns and cities destroyed and damaged by the Luftwaffe if “blessings” were needed for this. There was wrong done on both sides.

Also, as you commented on your editorial page, former RAF bomber navigator Douglas Tew’s comment on the occasion summed up everything.

We all hope, probably in vain, there will be no more wars.

I would also like to thank the Gibb family for their assistance with the memorial. I wish that Robin could have lived to see his efforts rewarded.

PAUL BUTLER, Caldecott Close, Abingdon