Schools have been praised for improving their work supporting young people who look after family members.

A 2008 strategy to get schools to help youngsters coping with sick relatives was making a real difference, a councillor said.

Oxfordshire County Council’s Janet Godden said: “We are very pleased this work is finally coming to fruition. Young carers have a tough life.”

The children’s services scrutiny committee was this week told that schools had designated staff members responsible for working with young carers.

Mrs Godden added: “It has become much more accepted for schools to make a real effort so young carers are identified but not stigmatised.”

For example, extra tuition is helping youngsters who are away from school or do not have time for homework in the evening, she said.

The Liberal Democrat said: “Until recently there was no mechanism for doing anything for these children.

“Too often their plight went unnoticed.”

The authority has recently given £10,000 to Didcot Girls’ School for extra help, lunch clubs and days out.

Assistant head Emmanuel Botwe said: “We want to ensure they are involved in classes and their emotional wellbeing is being looked after so they can realise their full potential.”