Sir – It was good to see your coverage of the reunion at Upper Heyford on May 7. However some people there were not returning after 30 years but after 18, as protests had continued until the base closed in 1994. The last person to live at the Peace Camp, Allan Meager, left after the closure. Sadly he died a few years ago so was unable to join us last Monday. The gathering was called “Looking back — Looking Forward” so it was a pity that your reporter was unable to join us in the village hall where Kate Hudson, general secretary of the Campaign for Nuclear Disarmament, spoke of the ongoing campaign against renewal of Trident. Other people mentioned Nukewatch which tracks the warheads on their journeys between the Atomic Weapons Establishment at Aldermaston and Coulport in Scotland and the Aldermaston Women’s Peace Camp(aign) which sets up camp outside the AWE on the second weekend of every month.

The peace movement had a presence at the recent NPT prep-com and monitored discussions on a joint Anglo-French development. Still much to be done before we have a world free of the menace of nuclear weapons. CND can be contacted via their website for information on any of the groups above and others.

Jean Kaye, Oxford CND