I WHOLEHEARTEDLY agree with Tim Siret (View Points, May 8) that we need to change the political order.

The gap between rich and poor grows ever wider while fat cats and bankers prosper.

There is little real distinction between the three leading political parties.

They simply want to tinker with the existing system which perpetuates outrageous injustices and inequalities.

What we need is radical change.

How can anyone justify increasingly decadent capitalism which yields surplus profits for the few but lack of purchasing power for the workers, with worldwide crises, depressions, poverty, mounting unemployment and insecurity for millions?

The competitive system generates war and divides people both home and abroad.

It leads to a barren and selfish individualism promoting ruthless greed and is ultimately utterly futile.

Millionaires and paupers are levelled in death. The greatest joy comes from realising the boundless unity embracing all life.

This liberates one from the prison of the ego.

Narrow nationalism is seen as an illusion for one’s true self in universally creating a sense of common purpose.

A whole new social order will emerge on Earth when we transcend the present sordid scheme of things and utilise nature’s wonderful resources for the good of all.

GRAHAM BUTLER Banbury Road Bicester