WE have been hearing rather a lot recently about a cap on benefits, and headlines have told us that 500,000 recipients are likely to lose their Incapacity Benefit.

There is no doubt that there is a certain amount of abuse in the benefit system, just as there was abuse in the MPs’ expenses system until thankfully exposed by a national newspaper.

However, we hear no mention of a cap on MPs’ benefits and, if what we hear is true, they are fighting to resist attempts to impose tighter control over them.

It seems that the long-suffering taxpayer is still paying for their second homes, the furnishing of them and for their maintenance.

As if to rub salt into the wounds, we now learn that each MP is to have an iPad paid for by – guess whom?

Right first time – us! I remember when I was a young apprentice, I had to buy my tools of the trade with my own money.

With all the benefits which they receive, what on earth do MPs use their salaries for?

GORDON CLACK Witney Road Ducklington