AN area of Outstanding Natural Beauty in Wallingford will be damaged forever if planners allow a new care village for the elderly to be built, according to residents.

They are campaigning against a planning application by CABI (Centre for Agricultural Bioscience International) to build 80 apartments, 49 care units and a 64-bed care home on the Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty at Crowmarsh Gifford.

CABI, which is based in Nosworthy Way, Wallingford, would also build a new headquarters on the site and developers say the plan would generate 70 new jobs as well as guaranteeing that 170 existing jobs stay in the area.

Residents living nearby are objecting to the application, which they say will overshadow a much-loved circular walk linking Wallingford’s two bridges.

Artist Lucienne de Mauny, 58, her husband Tony Fletcher, 72, and Susie Ibbotson are leading opposition to the plans.

Ms de Mauny said: “This is a wonderfully tranquil area, and an Area of Outstanding Natural Beauty, so it should be protected.

“A habitat for bats and owls will be destroyed and this wonderful circular walk will be completely overshadowed.”