A mum-of-two will be taking part in her fourth walk against breast cancer this month, in memory of five loved ones she has lost to the disease.

Fiona Molnar has had her own brush with breast cancer, but it was the sad loss of her friends and relatives that inspired her to join the Pink Ribbonwalk.

A mum of two and step-mum of three, Mrs Molnar, 53, will be among hundreds of people taking part in the event at Blenheim Palace, Woodstock, on Saturday, May 19.

Walkers tackle a 10 or 20-mile route through the picturesque grounds, raising sponsorship for Breast Cancer Care’s support of breast cancer patients.

Mr Molnar, from Bodicote near Banbury, said: “I was 29 when I found a lump in my own breast. I was taken into hospital in Australia where I was living at the time, and operated on. I came around to hear the words: ‘It’s okay, you’re okay.’ The lump was benign and I felt eternally lucky.

“But soon afterwards a close friend died of breast cancer and since then I have lost four other friends and relations to the disease, while two others have survived it.

“I heard about the Pink Ribbonwalk in 2009. I signed up without thinking really, drove myself there and when I saw all the ladies there who were battling breast cancer and taking part in the walk I almost felt like a fraud – like I had no real right to be there.

“I did the walk alone – 20 miles – and came in seventh – I wasn’t racing but I just felt driven.

“When it came to the next year I signed up again and as I walked that final long stretch down the hill towards Blenheim Palace I felt a rush of achievement and also a defiance against the cancer which had taken so many of my friends.

“Since then it’s become a given thing that I’ll take part. I still walk alone and I do it as fast as I can, so I feel I am doing the best I can for my friends.

“I may not have experienced breast cancer, but like many others I have felt the terrible loss it causes and I want to do all I can to fight it and help those suffering from it.”

With 60 miles under her belt and another 20 approaching, Mrs Molnar has been out training – despite the rain.

She said: “Whatever the weather it’s a very uplifting, welcoming and emotional event and I would recommend it to anyone.”

Individuals and teams are welcome to enter the Pink Ribbonwalk.

Everyone crossing the finish line is rewarded with a medal, a massage and a celebratory barbecue. Registration costs £30 with a fundraising target of £175.

To register or for more information, go to breastcancercare.org.uk or call 0870 145 0101