I read with interest about new licensing laws for HMOs and I would like to respond as a neighbour to one of these properties.

The eight-bedroom student house next door to me is a nightmare, not because of the Students who live there but the fact that the landlord has not put adequate soundproofing in.

I hear everything and I’m sure they must also be able to hear everything from us. I hear them using the bathroom, I hear their conversations, washing machine and just about everything else in-between.

According to various responses from those responsible for HMO licences this is all very normal. I fail to see how listening to your neighbours using their loo can be normal.

Our cul-de-sac is not a suitable place for a multiple occupancy property of eight in the first place. The location of these properties needs to be looked at. Students need adequate housing, I understand that, but residents also deserve the same priorities and protection.

The eight students next door really are great and we have worked together in pleading with the landlord to put suitable soundproofing in, but still the problem continues. My worry is that when this lovely lot of students move out we won’t be as lucky with the next lot.

Both the students and I make a real effort for each other and are always mindful that there is no sound buffer between us but why should they (and us) have to be overly conscious of how much noise we make, we should all be able to live comfortably with adequate soundproofing in place.

I wonder if anyone else is suffering with the same problems? I understand the HMO licensing is there mainly to protect students but what about those who live next door or around these properties. Who is looking out for us?