ADMISSIONS have opened for Oxfordshire’s first free school.

The Europa School, in Culham, opens as a state-funded, multi-lingual school in September and parents can now apply direct to the school for places in reception, Year 1 or Year 2.

The Europa School will replace the European School, which was set up to educate the children of European diplomats. Local children could pay to attend, but now anybody can apply for a free place.

There will be 56 spots available for each of the three years.

Places will be allocated based on how close children live to four ‘nodal points’.

From 2017, the school plans to select 10 per cent of secondary-aged pupils based on their aptitude in languages.

Parents have until Monday, April 30, to apply and will find out on Monday, May 21, if they have been given a place.

More information is available from the school's website. Click on the link below.