YET again the vulnerable OAPs suffer from attacks on living standards.

The county council made the front page of the Oxford Mail with a possible 150 per cent consultation rise in care cost.

Then there is the closure of bus routes meaning the disabled are required to walk from Carfax to the Martyrs Memorial for connections to north Oxfordshire.

The use of swimming pools have been cut despite a 20 per cent increase in charges.

The Post Office collection of allowances has been stopped and modernised with direct payments into accounts.

This was not wanted, but imposed after years of resistance.

Last year 20,000 had to sell their homes to cover care cost.

Office of National Statistics for 2010 said there were 25,700 excess winter deaths in England and Wales.

Three hundred thousand in the UK get some core help from councils. Many more are neglected with more cutbacks.

There have been other rises in the budget such as rent, water and fuel costs.

JOE RICHARDS, Overmead Green, Blackbird Leys